Our Story

HavePure🌿NATURALLY YOURS, in an initiative supported by the Uttarakhand Forest Resource Management Project (UFRMP). It is a forest-linked livelihood project, backed by the Government of Japan through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). The Project is implemented in over 800 forest Panchayats (colloquially called Van Panchayats), spread across eight hill districts of the state. The Project is run by a Project Management Unit, which is rooted in the Uttarakhand state forest department.


UFRMP is primarily focusing on improving livelihood development and income generation of marginalized farmers, particularly those dwelling in forest-fringe areas. The underpinning argument is that economic empowerment of these forest-fringe communities will bring down their dependence on forests, leading to sustainability in management of forest resources.


The Project is providing all-encompassing and integral support to over 1500 Self Help Groups (SHGs) involving over 15000 women at present. These SHGs are aggregated to form 20 cluster-level federations with a state-level federation at the apex, all of which are registered under the Uttarakhand Self-reliant Cooperative Act, 2003. The support to these community-based institutions is primarily in the form of institutional building, including collection, value addition and marketing of their farm produce.

In the words of Frank Smythe an English mountaineer, author, photographer and Botanist, who has equally traversed both the Alps as well as the Himalayas, "There is something about the Himalayas, not possessed by the Alps, something unseen and unknown, a charm that pervades every hour spent among them, a mystery intriguing that a man loses his grasp of ordinary things, perceiving himself as immortal, an entity capable of outdistancing all changes, all decay, all life, all death".


Through HavePure, we bring to your door steps the immortality, chastity and mysterious charm of Himalayas as portrayed by Frank Smythe to infuse, invigorate and saturate your soul with the sublimity of this unparalleled range of our products.


All the produce marketed by HavePure are grown naturally with traditional farm practices in the pristine Himalayan landscapes, interspersed with bountiful snow-fed rivers. The farm produce grown in the project villages by our women SHG members imbibes the purity of these unsullied waters, thus making our products not only a source of priceless minerals and nutrients in their pristine form, but also impart a unique taste to satiate the taste buds of the best of food connoisseurs.


HavePure, innately Himalayan, epitomizes purity, taste and economic empowerment of women. Don't miss out on our products!